Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 Natural Best Food

They hear every day on television, in newspapers reads or on the Internet about the meaning of food healthy, natural food. Fact is that if we go for food is able to make purchases be difficult to determine, what the best to eat. We have often hesitate whether they this or that take apple or tomato and not we are so often confidently, that we the right choice dripped.

 Experts recommend that we eat as a 'biology' which brags, some information about the quality and the restricted use of chemicals and pesticides. The fact is that you buy biology, need to eat healthy - natural food is a very good alternative, without violent price. With natural food: Food from easy, close ingredients which you identify in which land they came ex works thus the nutritional value does not remain can receive. We must also look for words like local and seasonal ones, because it means that you eat, what, when and where it needs to be eaten. It is of course be able to eat what is grown and caught in your nearness.

 Now, because you know like one food we get you in the first 10 natural food point should be eaten.
You are what you eat, your life is not only a cooking play.

 - We recommend almonds as an important spring for egg white, vitamin E and calcium. They also prevent heart deseases, help the cholesterol mirror and can do with retention of the weight sound loss calculation to help.

 - Apricots, freshly or dry, also 'super-food'. They are very rich in roughage, potassium and more fully low-calorie.

 - Maybe you are try to avoid, chocolate eat, but you know that chocolate and cocoa help as a spring for strong Antioxidantien, the fight against illnesses. if they get in adequate amounts to help, the blood pressure lower and improves the blood river plus. Also here is a better effect than one additional bonus.

 - Pickles are principal of water. They are rich in minerals, fully from potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin C, but poor in saturated fatty acids, cholesterol and sodium.

 - Pictures are an excellent spring for roughage and calcium.

 - Maybe you do not have like French beans so much, but one should know that it is an excellent supplement. It is poor in sodium, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol and richly in roughage, iron and other minerals and vitamins.

 - Nuts are rich in vitamin B6 and E, protect against many illnesses, how heart deseases.

 - Probably know that lemons one of the best detoxifying food, the fight against degenerative illnesses help, because of his urinary-propelling qualities are, and Antioxidantien - paprika really more vitamin C than oranges, put a big energy push and serve as an Antioxidans, the fight of the illness.

 - Yoghurt is an excellent spring for protein and calcium, helps with the improvement of the digestion and the strengthening of the immune system and increases the ability of the body in other useful vitamins and minerals.
News From : By Marina Janakievska

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