Wednesday, October 13, 2010


 It's Spring here in my part of the world, so I thought a few spring touches were needed  ....

I bought this vintage lace tablecloth (but I like it better as a bed throw) from "The Society Inc" a while back, I think it gives the bedroom a softer look .....

 found these great flowers in the garden, they only bloom for a short time each year, so I'm making the most of them ...

we put a gate at the end of our front porch so the dogs can't escape and we can keep the front door open ....

 put my favorite chair in a nice sunny corner .....

 cleaned up the deck so we can do some summer dining .....

After !!!

 .... and finally this is quite the miracle .... my son Barney ( his room is downstairs and I kind of try to avoid it as much as I can) finally put his huge pile of clothes away and tided his room, not sure how long it will stay that way, but it's nice to see the chair and the floor !!!

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