Friday, October 29, 2010


Really liking this space, the floorboards, the exposed pipes and those radiators .... nice !!!  
via here
I would love some wire sculptures like these .....

  and I wouldn't mind seeing the finished product of this artwork, I think it could look kind of amazing ......

 .... and this peg sculpture by Mehmet Ali Uysal is amazing .
via here
Love this hair knot on a model at Michael Kors SS11  .....
via here

..... and also his bags, very nice !!!

 This is apparently the couch used during psychoanalytic sessions with Sigmund Freud.
found here via here

 This looks nice ..... now all we need is the wine.
via here

OK Good !!!
 via here
This house in Brooklyn is really getting into the spirit of Halloween, doesn't it look great !!!
 via here
 Writer, actor, Brendan Cowell has just released his first novel .... I love this guys work and I have him to thank for my daughters love of Shakespeare and the theatre, he was the first actor she saw play Hamlet and one of our all time favorite plays Ruben Guthrie was written by him, luckily for her she got to tell him so after a play we attended a while back .... he was so humble and lovely, a real gentleman.
There is a great interview with him here.

If you are not offended by the "F" word click here .... I think the shopping bag and the tea and coffee mugs are pretty funny !!!

Hope you have a great weekend.

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