Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Healthy Bread ! How to Choose ?

Always read the label. Read the list of ingredients that are listed in descending order by weight. The first ingredient listed is present in the largest amount, and in bread products, that ingredient, the word "whole".

 What for look on the label

 Avoid enriched means that the flower had its good qualities (vitamins, minerals) are removed and some were added back.

 For reinforced-enriched means that on top of what is already in food, vitamins and minerals are added.

 High fiber - bread should contain about 5 grams of fiber per serving.

 Low sugar as one of the first three ingredients on the list ends in-ose (glucose, lactose and sucrose) or sugar or syrup, you should not buy. Good fats - try to form bread with monounsaturated fats (canola or olive oil) or polyunsaturated fats (corn, peanut or sesame oil) to find.

 Avoid hydrogenated - hydrogenation is the process of edible oils and fats, resulting in their saturation.

 Types of Wheat Flour in bread flour is best because it contains a grain, including bran, germ and endosperm. That way you get all the health benefits that are naturally part of the grain.

 Wheat flour contains no bran or germ, so it is less nutritious than whole wheat flour.

 Enriched wheat flour is enriched with nutrients lost during processing, often including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, iron, folic acid and calcium. While these nutrients are added back, it still does not contain flour or bran and the germ is not so good for you, whole wheat flour.

 Stone-ground flour is described how the ground. Although it may sound healthy, stone-ground flour is basically the same as wheat flour. It is nowhere near as good for you as 100 percent whole wheat.

 Rye flour is traditionally used to bake sourdough bread. They are high in insoluble fiber and may help some women avoid gallstones and phytoestrogens may be useful to reduce symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes. Rogge's lignans may also protect against breast cancer.


1. Sourdough rye bread is a kind and is the main ingredients are flour, rye flour and molasses.

 2. Flaxseed Bread is high in good fats such as omega-3 and alpha-linolenic acid and can help reduce arthritis pain and reduces the risk of heart disease.

 3. Crispbreads like Ryvita are lower in calories, crunchy snacks. Try the ones made from whole grain to get. Top with light cream cheese and smoked salmon.

 4. 100% whole wheat bread whole wheat flour are listed first on the label. These breads have a lower glycemic index than refined or white bread. That means that it helps your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and may lower your risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

 5. Sprouted grain bread is made from soaking the grain and let it germinate, then mashing it together and bake. Germs can enzymes in the grain to one part of the carbohydrates and fats into vitamins, minerals and amino acids

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