Thursday, October 21, 2010


This amazing light sculpture by Marcus Tremonto.
via here
This very clever candle that cries wax tears.
via here
 What is it about photographs of stylish people on bikes ... I always love them.
These amazing bookshelves and spiral stairs ...
(this ones for you Christopher !!!)
fond here via here 
 ... and this loft space ... (really liking the drums). 

via here
 This great selection of chairs !!! 

This dinner (in conjunction with Apartamento magazine) looks fun !!!

Fresh lilies just in time for the weekend ... the hunter gatherer husband strikes again !!!

I have just started this book ... such a good read, I adore Stephen Fry.

It may be in need of a little trim but I like it .....
via here
.... and this just made me laugh ... I think our girls could pull this look off !!!

Posting my Friday Favorites a bit early .... off to a birthday party for my little friend ... should be fun !!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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