Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Organic Food

The biological alimony is one of a sure number of tendencies knows some dell' food that is being developed in a engagement to longer term to practical the agricultural ones more knows of it and healthier food. It is not only that l' biological food is healthier to eat; it is moreover healthier for l' atmosphere. Other tendencies dell' food includes the SOLE (sustainable, organic, local, acclimatizes them) and 100 feed of mile (purchase from the local cultivators).

To know from where your food comes? It is l' asparago that bought in November that comes from a local cultivator, or is flying within around the world? What coast nell' energy and nell' environmental impact them in order to obtain l' food dall' agricultural company to your table? You know l' environmental impact them of the food of the red meat? It takes 16 pounds of grain in order to produce a pound of manzo.

The alimentary production of large-scale - often completed through the alimony genetically constructed - is supported from the suppliers because they can earn more money from more production; and it is supported from the governments who want to assess that their citizens have approached to food (the premises are that l' not healthy food is better than food). There are more than 6 billion human beings in the world, many of who do not have food to eat enough. But what is the cost to the planet of the production on a scale total?

The genetic modification, the chemicals, the pesticides and l' intense agriculture is hardly some of the used techniques in order to increase the production alimentary. And those techniques have effects negatives sull' atmosphere: from the change of the genetic food trick, to the contamination of earth and water, to earth overworking. Those techniques of alimentary production moreover provoke food with less nourishing value.

The advantages dell' biological food includes the nourishing substances more knows some nell' food and in the best treatment of the earth, dell' water and dell' air. However the critics us dell' biological food is interested that l' more high cost of the production the fruits, the verdure, the grains and of the organic meats provokes an ability limited to produce on a scale total.

It is the production dell' sustainable biological food?

Some say that only the production of the alimony genetically modified can supply the demand for our increasing total population. L' biological food is obtaining the more attention in means, warehouses, the markets and the houses because more and more people are beginning to recognize l' importance to diminish our effect on the planet.

The one-way to act in such a way it is to eat l' cultivated biological food on the place. All we have begun to perceive l' effect of a heating climate; the time models are changing and intensifying. It is time to act. After development and the collection, l' track acclimatizes them medium of not-organic food is 11 for hundreds for transport, 46 for hundreds for production and l' elaboration and 25 for hundreds for the food preparation (that it stores in the refrigerator, the washing, in the cut, preparing and cooking).

L' objective is to reduce the transport, the production, l' elaboration and even the escapes of the food preparation: if l' food is cultivated locally and is bought the transport locally will be reduced; the biological alimony uses less elaboration and because the preservatives are not used, the organic products are bought on a as-used base (no duration to long warehouse for the freschi verdure, fruits, meats and organic grains).

The food of the alimony that is cultivated locally is better for the planet: a reduction of the miles dell' food - the distance that race dell' food between l' agricultural company and the warehouse to store then to your refrigerator and to the table of lunch - it will contribute to reduce l' track of carbon of our consumption. (Famous: l' track of carbon is a measure dell' effect that our activities have sull' atmosphere; in this specific case, it is a measure of the combustible ones them you was used in order to cultivate, to collect, to store, to send and to sell l' food.) It supports local the organic cultivators and makes more that organic one hardly than many tendencies it knows some dell' food; prendagli a long-lasting decision dell' food.

Beyond that l' purchase dell' cultivated biological food on the place, you can cultivate yours own. The garden organic of the fruit and the verdura is easy to plant and to develop itself: you have need of sure a time and attention to direct the land, the composed one, the parasites but the result to cultivate l' biological food is produced healthier and a healthier atmosphere.
News From : By Kris Bovay

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