Monday, December 26, 2011

Watery Wednesday: Watering Van

I was, as usual, rushing to my dental appointment, when I stopped outside the car park. It was closed and workmen were fixing the pipeline. Here, I capture a van sprinkling water on the car park, presmueably not to let the dust fly everywhere. Little did I realise it was an analogy of what was to follow.

I wish I could photograph the sprinkler my dentist uses in my mouth. It has a jet which shoots the debri after she had scrapped away the tarter. I have receding gums, and my dentist suggests that a Waterpik dental water jet might help and massage my gums. My Sister G had one and it is very good.

I still have all my pearlies, and I am very proud of them. But my gum is not doing its job in holding them tight. I used to have stress dreams, my tooth falls out one by one upon contact, and I am left with a toothless gum, and a fistfull full of perfect teeth. That is very fearful.

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