Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunday Bridge: Crater of the moon

Digging deep in my Archives for bridges. Here was when my big sister Rose came to visit me in a Thermal land. Known to locals as the crater of the Moon. Tourists are not told so they would go to the expensive commercially run place.

Known as the Crater of the Moon. I love this place. Do click on this link to see a visual. and you will know why I love it. We take all our foreign visitors and they love it.

The Taupo Region is a volcanic zone which contains some of the most violent thermal activity in the country. My father in law was afraid of the geysers and the howling sounds when the steam shoots up. It takes 30 minute walk visits bubbling craters, mud pools and steam vents.

In the 70s and 80s, it used to be free, but now they ask you for a donation of $6 to the volunteers who maintain the bathrooms and watch your cars. You can also see a lot of interesting plants that have adapted to thrive in the hot, steamy conditions. Enjoy this wonderful geothermal area despite the mild sulphur smell. It now has a wooden pathways with elevated viewing platforms.

My brother Charles and Sister in law Karen took me there in 1978. I fell in love with it. Charles jokes that this is heaven. Back then, the geysers were very strong. Charles says we were fairies in the clouds.

When approaching from the South.
Travel 5.5kms North from the i site in Taupo along Wairakei Drive (or the old SH 1 & 5)
Turn left into Karapiti Road and Travel 1 3/4kms arriving at the carpark of The Craters of the Moon Geothermal walk.

At the ETA roundabout at SH 1 & 5 take the Wairakei Park exit and Travel along Wairakei Drive after the Wairakei International Golf Course turn right into Karapiti Road and travel 1 and 3/4kms arriving at the carpark of The Craters of the Moon Geothermal Walk.

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