Monday, December 12, 2011


 We are in the middle of giving our home a little face lift ..... it's in need of a good paint and a few small additions ....
first on the list has been replacing our front and internal doors with some great vintage ones found on ebay (for a very good price) .....
 this was our old front door ....and our internal doors were just old plain ones, you can see a bit of one in this post .....

 I must say I am so happy with them .... they need a bit of a paint and the front door will need to be painted black on the outside, but I can't believe the difference they make already.

 I especially love the beautiful old handles ....

 and the glass window in the front door ....
(it lets a lovely light in)

 the hall .....

 our bedroom ....

 Megs room .....

..... and the bathroom all now have new (old) doors,
so that's one thing crossed off the list ....
next post I will show you the old mantelpiece (another great ebay find) that we plan to put in the lounge room ...
stay tuned !!!

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