Saturday, December 17, 2011


These stars ....
via here
these little houses ....
 via here

these garlands ....
via here

these lights ....
 via here

.... and this tree.
via here

 This bulb lamp .....
 via here

these star stamps ....
via here

 this Marni for H&M dress ....
via here

  this book, so enjoying it .....

roasted cherry tomatoes .... in season at the moment and my favorite way to eat them, especially with eggs for breakfast, yum ....
pic via here

.... and this art loving cat
(just because !!!)
 via here

Some late "Friday Favorites" this week ....
can you believe Christmas is almost here ?
It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating last Christmas here and here ... 
Hope you have a lovely pre- Christmas weekend

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