Friday, December 30, 2011

Gamma Settings and Happy New Year

I see many visitors using iPads and iPhones with gammas set to 2.2. That is very contrasty. I have set the pictures on this blog to look "right" at a gamma of 1.8.  Over half of the visitors to this blog use Macs, and three quarters use Firefox. You can see the stats yourself by clicking the little green button at the bottom of this page. We usually get about 150 visitors every day, and some stay a long while and come back again and again. Thanks for visiting, and welcome new visitors! Don't worry, we only see the numbers, and not your actual information.  Site traffic is the only method we have to see what is of interest to you, and what is not.  Please keep it coming by telling others.

2012 looks good, and we have seen a definite increase in business activity over the last two months, and good sales of our antenna products, along with a sudden increase in new technology development activities and inquiries.  There is a sense in Massachusetts that the economy is picking up quite noticeably, with all the usual things that go along with it, like more traffic!

We have used the last two years well, with increased forward spend in R&D, and have amassed, (for us, a small company) a slew of new patents and patent applications, new product designs, know-how, customers, and suppliers, all ready to be cranked up with the application of working capital and increased manufacturing here. I hope it all doesn't come on too suddenly, but I think it might.

It is amazing that we sometimes have to explain to people that yes, we actually make physical products here in Ashland and ship them all over the world. If we are lucky, other companies and collaborators notice this and start sharing the benefits of the innovations with their customers, too.

A Happy New Year to all our current friends and collaborators, and sincere thanks for your contributions, time, and interest in New55. 

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