Wednesday, December 21, 2011


 Well the Christmas season is well and truly here ...
we have family staying and plan on spending Christmas day like our early Christmas last year, on the deck with lots of good food and wine, I plan on making my baked cranberry chicken (so yummy and very pretty too) and my father-in-law has arrived with lots of amazing looking vegetables from his garden including some purple carrots (can't wait to try them) .... and there will be a big bread and butter pudding made with Bourke St  prune and almond bread and a flourless chocolate cake for dessert .... I think there will be some very happy tummies ....
It will be so lovely being home this year, no packing or driving long distances ....
I like spending the holidays at home.

Thanks so much for reading this blog and all your lovely comments throughout the year ....
Hope you have a wonderful and safe Christmas 

pic via here

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