Saturday, December 31, 2011


 New Years Eve .... 
I can't quite believe 2011 is drawing to an end, we are planning on having a very quite night in ...
last night we had friends over for a catch up dinner on
the deck, the sunset was so beautiful ....

 we ate pasta and fresh salad leaves from the garden ..... 

  and talked and drank well into the night, actually we ended up drinking a little too much and today I'm feeling the effects .....
  so I'm really not feeling like the New Year thing, and really we're not that big on New Year anyway ....

I was planning on wearing my new dress if we ended up doing something, but I'm quite happy to leave it hanging for now, I do love it though (I got it for next to nothing on ebay).

What I am looking forward to seeing are the Sydney New Year fireworks, normally fireworks don't really interest me but designer Marc Newson is in charge this year so it should be really interesting.
So here's wishing you a very, very Happy New Year and a wonderful 2012

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