Friday, December 9, 2011

New R&D batches scheduled in January

We expect to start a round of R&D batches of New55 this January and will be refining some of the problems we encountered with the first batch, which are:

Sticking slides. This was and still is a problem, as the assembly is thicker than old T55.

Uneven spread. The metering of the pod and positioning of the pod, and more consistent backing thickness, are needed.

Clips. We have been using reclaimed clips, but need to move to fabricated clips.

Peel tab. We have used scissors instead of a peel tab. This works fine but requires that we remember scissors. A precut peel tab and adhesive are needed.

Fingerprints.  This is an expected problem with hand assembly, but we think we can at least reduce them.

Pod leakage.  A better way to seal the pods is needed. A thermal sealer with a rounded blade and better temperature control would help a lot.

Opaque paper supply. We have to use thicker than desired paper to achieve opacity. A better quality paper with lower surface friction and fewer pinholes would be very much appreciated.

Other things. There are plenty, and obviously we need to keep the lights on at the lab which we do by making and selling other products.

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