Saturday, December 31, 2011


 New Years Eve .... 
I can't quite believe 2011 is drawing to an end, we are planning on having a very quite night in ...
last night we had friends over for a catch up dinner on
the deck, the sunset was so beautiful ....

 we ate pasta and fresh salad leaves from the garden ..... 

  and talked and drank well into the night, actually we ended up drinking a little too much and today I'm feeling the effects .....
  so I'm really not feeling like the New Year thing, and really we're not that big on New Year anyway ....

I was planning on wearing my new dress if we ended up doing something, but I'm quite happy to leave it hanging for now, I do love it though (I got it for next to nothing on ebay).

What I am looking forward to seeing are the Sydney New Year fireworks, normally fireworks don't really interest me but designer Marc Newson is in charge this year so it should be really interesting.
So here's wishing you a very, very Happy New Year and a wonderful 2012

Sunday Bridges, Scenic Sunday: New Zealand Bridge

My sis in law's travels, some where in New Zealand is this bridge.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Gamma Settings and Happy New Year

I see many visitors using iPads and iPhones with gammas set to 2.2. That is very contrasty. I have set the pictures on this blog to look "right" at a gamma of 1.8.  Over half of the visitors to this blog use Macs, and three quarters use Firefox. You can see the stats yourself by clicking the little green button at the bottom of this page. We usually get about 150 visitors every day, and some stay a long while and come back again and again. Thanks for visiting, and welcome new visitors! Don't worry, we only see the numbers, and not your actual information.  Site traffic is the only method we have to see what is of interest to you, and what is not.  Please keep it coming by telling others.

2012 looks good, and we have seen a definite increase in business activity over the last two months, and good sales of our antenna products, along with a sudden increase in new technology development activities and inquiries.  There is a sense in Massachusetts that the economy is picking up quite noticeably, with all the usual things that go along with it, like more traffic!

We have used the last two years well, with increased forward spend in R&D, and have amassed, (for us, a small company) a slew of new patents and patent applications, new product designs, know-how, customers, and suppliers, all ready to be cranked up with the application of working capital and increased manufacturing here. I hope it all doesn't come on too suddenly, but I think it might.

It is amazing that we sometimes have to explain to people that yes, we actually make physical products here in Ashland and ship them all over the world. If we are lucky, other companies and collaborators notice this and start sharing the benefits of the innovations with their customers, too.

A Happy New Year to all our current friends and collaborators, and sincere thanks for your contributions, time, and interest in New55. 

Flowers: Hydrangea

Hydrangeas is part of me. When I was a kid in Tropical Borneo, I lived with my Grandpa who left China in his 20s. He told us fairy tales the same way as western children read in books. He spoke of the hydrangea flower which is known as the embroidery ball flower. In this fairy tale love story, when a girl comes of age, she would stand in her balcony and throw her embroidered ball to the young men waiting down in the garden. The young man who catches the ball wins her hand. I joked with Grandpa, what if an ugly fat man catches up, Grandpa laughed, he said, "Why do you have to ruin an aged old story?"

Hydrangeas became reality when I came to live in Auckland. There are bushes everywhere. In two houses we stayed. I had the light blue hedges, and I had lots of stories.

A hint to gardeners, I was told if you put tins/can at the base of the plants, the iron rust will make the flowers become a deep colour. I remember reading John Michener's book Hawaii doing that for their pineapple plants.

Macro Flower Saturday
Macro Flower Saturday Macro Flower Saturday ">
href="">Macro Flower Saturday

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Skywatch Friday: Omaha beach wild wet weather

Our weather forecast:
Auckland: New Year Eve: Periods of rain, possibly heavy, 23C. New Year Day: More rain, northeasterlies, 22C

It is a repeat of the day my son went surfing I snapped this photo of the rescue tower. There was a braveheart family and the students learning to surf.

I wonder if anyone is out there today.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Freezing, and updated mailing list

Tomorrow we are going to freeze some New55. The general consensus is that it is alright to freeze old T55 as long as there is enough time afterward for the pod to warm up completely. I have never confirmed this so we will also freeze a couple of old T55 pods.

If you have any real life experience with frozen polaroids, now would be the time to tell us about it.  Also if you have been a contributor to New55 and would like to update your mailing address, please do. Send an email with your address to bob at


Be Natural Cereal

As part of the Kiwimummyblogs, I am invited to review products. I am given a sample to try out and I do not receive any financial returns. Here are some products that is part of a range which is free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

As a believer of being healthy, I think this is a wonderful concept. I dug into the first pack, and ate them. It was the Pink Lady Apple and Flame Raisin. I like the apple and the raisin. It wasn't too sweet and just to my liking. It also has pink apples which makes it a pretty appearance. I also ate a bar of Berry and Nut & Fruit Be Natural Trail Bar. It was good.

However, as I read the fine print, I read on each of the 3 packs of cereal, "May contend peanut." That put me off completely, when you manufacture a product, you either know or you don't know, not "May be" as is a phrase commonly used by teenagers. I work in a school, and am very aware of peanut allergies. Besides, I am allergic to peanuts myself. I do hope the manufacturer will heed this.

With my own peanut allergy issues, I gave the rest of the boxes, Cashew, Almond, Hazelnut & Coconut, and 5 Whole Grain Flakes and the Be Natural Trail Bars to 4 persons. They enjoyed eating it. One ate it dry because he likes his cereal crunchy.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Watery Wednesday: Watering Van

I was, as usual, rushing to my dental appointment, when I stopped outside the car park. It was closed and workmen were fixing the pipeline. Here, I capture a van sprinkling water on the car park, presmueably not to let the dust fly everywhere. Little did I realise it was an analogy of what was to follow.

I wish I could photograph the sprinkler my dentist uses in my mouth. It has a jet which shoots the debri after she had scrapped away the tarter. I have receding gums, and my dentist suggests that a Waterpik dental water jet might help and massage my gums. My Sister G had one and it is very good.

I still have all my pearlies, and I am very proud of them. But my gum is not doing its job in holding them tight. I used to have stress dreams, my tooth falls out one by one upon contact, and I am left with a toothless gum, and a fistfull full of perfect teeth. That is very fearful.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Baccarat: frypan

I watch cooking shows, no, I like the contests in the cooking show. I love watching how the chefs put their frying pan into the oven, and wonder if my own cheap frypan can be put in the same way.

Many many years ago, I was with a very good friend whom I had gone to school with when we were 6. She made the mistake, and the handle came off. The whole kitchen smelled of charred wood.

Santa had seen I was a good girl this year. He told my friend C and she gave me a Baccarat Ceramix , a ceramic non-stick frypan. Now I can be a Master Chef.

The best feature is, I can put the frypan into the oven. Thank you C. I love you.

Baccarat is a leading Australian homewares brand that prides itself on its reputation and embodies professional, timeless and classic Kitchenware, Cookware, Bakeware, Tea and Coffee and Food Preparation products.

Our Baccarat Lifetime Guarantee means customers trust their investment in Baccarat quality knowing their investment will last them a lifetime! Through experience and innovation, Baccarat has extended its range of kitchen and cookware to include professional baking-ware, a stylish range of tea and coffee products and an assortment of long lasting and quality Baccarat food preparation products that are essential in every modern day kitchen.

African American Hairstyles

African American Hairstyles

It is about an incontestable actuality that African Americans are amid the best artistically absorbed societies in the world; and it is accordingly no admiration that their there is such a abundant array of African American hairstyles - seeing that a 'hairstyle' is aboriginal and foremost a assignment of art. Addition accessible account as to why there are so

Trendy Wedding Hairstyles

Trendy Wedding Hairstyles

How you abrasion your beard will accept a huge appulse on your bells day look. It can be affected and romantic, or it can be article you will affliction in after years ('80s blast ball, anyone?). To accomplish abiding that your bells day hairstyle is a "do", analysis out the latest trends.

Romance is the key for all of today's best accepted hairstyles. Your crew

Girl's Punk Hairstyles

Girl's Punk Hairstyles

Girl's punk hairstyles can be as outre or as subdued as the girl is comfortable with. Because punk is an egalitarian subculture, at least in theory, and because self-expression is a prized value of the culture, both men and women can wear whatever hairstyle they want. Musicians like Kathleen Hanna, Kim Gordon and Debbie Harry, for example, have very mainstream hairstyles

Short Hairstyles - Crops are Short, Stylish, Beautiful & Back

Short Hairstyles - Crops are Short, Stylish, Beautiful & Back

The crop and beneath hairstyles are advancing aback into fashio, added women will be swapping to a beneath crop in 2007 and the trend has already begun.

Short hairstyles and crops accept never absolutely been away, about they are aback not alone are they adult and beautiful they additionally are low aliment and accord any women a

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Are you a local?

We are thinking about having a workshop in the near future about New55.

The location would probably be in Ashland MA or in Boston, likely some weekday evening, perhaps from 7 to 9, something like that.  Talk/Demonstration, some hands on opportunities, refreshments, Q&A and that sort of thing.

It would be helpful to know about those who are interested in New55 and are nearby anyway. Let's hear from you.

Sunday Bridges/scenic sunday: Thermal bridge

My sis in law and her husband visited New Zealand. They visited Geo thermal Rotorua area. I have not been to this particular area. But I don't know if I want to cross this bridge. The water could be hot because they say you can boil an egg there.

I think I will pass. I am brave but not reckless. Last year, a 10 year old boy dropped into one of those bubbling mud similar to these and died. In another case, a German tourist went in a thermal area and never came out again.

Otherwise if you obey the rules, the thermal lands are a wonderful place to visit. New Zealand is a small place with all the wonders of the world packed in two small islands.

Friday, December 23, 2011


When I was growing up in Borneo, we had Christmas cards with red Poinsettias. We used to draw them. Once my mum grew them, but the leaves never became red.

Here in New Zealand, plant centres and shopping malls have them, and they are very attractive.

We moved to this new house. There was a stump where all the branches were chopped to the ground. As new shoots grew, I could see the Poinsettias leaves coming out. I thought of poor mum trying to grow her Poinsettias, and here, some one had chopped it off. As the bush grew, about 2 weeks ago, hidden at the base of the plant, I could see little red leaflets to confirm to me that it is a Poinsettia plant.

I monitored its growth, and here is the best I can show you. A shaggy Poinsettia flower, not the manicured ones you get from the garden centre. But it is precious to me. It reminds me of the last Christmas I spent with my mum. That Christmas in 1986 in Australia. Then Mum spent the rest of her Christmases in heaven. I miss you Mum.

Euphorbia pulcherrima, or noche buena, is a species of flowering plant ind to Mexico and Central America. It is commonly known as poinsettia (play /pɔɪnˈsɛti.ə/),[1] after Joel Roberts Poinsett,[2] the first United States Minister to Mexico,[3] who introduced the plant into the US in 1825. It is also called the Atatürk flower in Turkey.

The plant's association with Christmas began in 16th century Mexico, where legend tells of a young girl who was too poor to provide a gift for the celebration of Jesus' birthday. The tale goes that the child was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar. Crimson "blossoms" sprouted from the weeds and became beautiful poinsettias.[7] From the 17th century, Franciscan friars in Mexico included the plants in their Christmas celebrations.[8] The star-shaped leaf pattern is said to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem, and the red color represents the blood sacrifice through the crucifixion of Jesus.[9]

Poinsettias are popular Christmas decorations[2] in homes, churches, offices, and elsewhere across North America. They are available in large numbers from grocery, drug, and hardware stores. In the United States, December 12 is National Poinsettia Day.

Macro Flower Saturday
Macro Flower Saturday Macro Flower Saturday ">
href="">Macro Flower Saturday

Frequently Asked Questions about New55

written by Bob Crowley

What is New55?

New55 is a new, instant positive-negative (PN) system that produces a high quality 4x5 black and white negative, and a positive print.  It is not a recreation of Polaroid Type 55.  It is a new, single shot system that incorporates a negative material, a processing pod, a special positive receiver sheet, and other components needed for a field-processable instant photograph to be produced by a photographer, without a darkroom. 

New55 is a trash-reduced design that produces less waste than old Type 55 did. It also produces a properly exposed negative and positive print - something Polaroid Type 55 never could do.

Why did you start New55?

One day on Twitter I noticed that The Impossible Project said they were not going to focus on 4x5 materials, so I said that I would do it. We have accomplished nearly all of our performance goals and only have yet to commercialize what we have done.

Is the New55 Project associated with The Impossible Project?

Yes, in an informal and collaborative way, very much so. We strongly support The Impossible Project's efforts as they re-learn what took Polaroid decades to accomplish. Bob Crowley visited The Impossible Project factory in Enschede, and New55 has done fruitful, but still in-process experiments with various materials produced by The Impossible Project.

What is the connection between New55 and 20X24 Studio?

New55 is located in Ashland, MA, not far from 20X24's Connecticut facility, and very close by to 20X24's Ted McClelland who has been working closely with us to bring New55 to life.  Because New55 and 20x24 use PN systems and not integral systems for their films, we share some of the technology and materials, and have other things in common, such as suppliers, and collaborators.

When will New55 FILM be released for sale?

The current plan is 8 months after the final funding, which is not yet in place.   It will take that long to tool up, get supply lines filled, and iron out the bugs from the system. We do have a working system today that is mostly hand assembled.  It works well, but cannot be made in large production quantities until there is money available for scale up.  R&D has been costly, but funded as a skunkworks project by Soundwave Research, which has paid for hired help, materials, air travel, equipment, and provides R&D space and infrastructure. Soundwave Research is a product development and manufacturing company that has invented and produced many new products.  New55 is nearly production ready.

Can I get samples or be a film tester?

We do not have a test supply of New55.

What equipment is needed to use New55 FILM?

We use a standard Polaroid 545 single sheet back. There are many thousands of these well-made film holders available and they fit easily in nearly every 4x5 camera. Currently, we are using the metal 545 holder with the back cover removed, so we can more easily check and manipulate the clip finger. This is necessary because New55FILM is currently not made with lubricious paper.

Is a tub of sodium sulfite still needed?

No. The sodium sulfite is hard to get, so we use ordinary fixer for the final negative bath. Fixer is available easily, is cheap, clears better, and stays fresh for a very long time.

What will be the price of New55?

The target price is $6 US.

Can I pre-order New55?

We are not currently taking any pre-orders.

Do you have machinery to produce New55?

We have fixtures, templates, night vision systems and other things we need to produce the prototypes and continue the development. We share the pod machine owned by 20x24, and in our plan are specifications for full tooling of the product.

Does New55 use Panatomic X?

No. Old T55 used a material called SO139 which was similar to Pan-X and produced by Kodak. We have tested nearly every available negative emulsion in production and have chosen one that has slightly faster speed and allows us to get a positive print that is correctly processed with virtually the same exposure. Users of old T55 had to choose if they wanted the negative or the print to be properly exposed, but not both. New55 solves that problem.

Who is doing the development of New55?

Soundwave Research Labs, and collaborators Jack Willard, Des Fyler, John Reuter, Ted McLelland, Tobias Feltus and Bob Crowley have done most of the R&D.  We've also had a great deal of assistance and encouragement from Ilford, The Impossible Project and Doc Kaps, who has been to the lab where New55 is being developed, and have had special support of materials from many other people. If I tried listing them I would leave someone out.

Are there any plans for an 8x10 version?

No plans, exactly, but it seems possible. An 8x10 system is an expensive item.

Do you have any plans for an instant 4x5 color negative product?

We'd like to see this happen and think we can after New55 is released.

Is New55 a copy of Polaroid Type 55? 

No, it definitely is an all-new system that superficially resembles T55 and shares some of the fun characteristics like edge effects, solarization, and certainly has all the magic, maybe more.  Perhaps more importantly, New55 produces a balanced positive and negative, something old T55 never did. This improves "the value proposition" considerably, in our view, since we get two useful photographs from one.  The negative has extreme sharpness and a long scale, and the positive print can be display quality.

I see some of the New55 test photographs on Flickr and here on the New55 blog. Who did these?

Bob Crowley, with assistance of Jack Willard, Des Fyler and Keitaro Yoshioka.

How can I help the New55 Project?

Right now the best thing is to put our link wherever you can. Mention New55 online, tell everyone who might be interested about it, and grab links from this blog and send them all around in emails. on forums, on Twitter and Facebook, and everywhere else you can think of.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

skywatch friday and Winter Solstice aka Dōng zhì aka Guo Dong

It was mid winter, cold and crisp. But the sky was very clear.

The Winter Solstice Festival or The Extreme of Winter (Chinese and Japanese: 冬至; Korean: 동지; Vietnamese: Đông chí) (Pinyin: Dōng zhì), (Rōmaji: Tōji), (Romaja:Dongji) is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Chinese and other East Asians during the dongzhi solar term on or around December 21 when sunshine is weakest and daylight shortest; i.e., on the first day of the dongzhi solar term.

In my Cantonese dialect, it is called GUO DONG. Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival is also a time for the family to get together. One activity that occurs during these get togethers (especially in the southern parts of China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan (湯圓, as pronounced in Mandarin Pinyin: Tāng Yuán) or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion

These Tangyuan comes in various form. Most of these golf ball sized dumplings have a sweet filling like sesame seeds, peanut fillings, eaten either in a sweet syrup or dried rolled in a ground peanut powder. Of late, this festival is revived in Singapore with grand mothers and mothers invited to schools and community centres and demonstrate making these dumplings.

My small Cantonese dialect group, the Kwong Nengs make a ball of dumplings and we serve it with duck soup. This is served at the beginning of the special feast, in a small bowl of about 5 dumplings.

I never liked this because these glutinious dumplings are very filling, and sit in your stomach so you have no room for anything else. I kept this secret until about ten years ago, when I found out my Dad had the same idea. Mother had died prematurely at 60, and her sisters rook care of Dad. That particular year, just before my Dad died, my youngest aunt told me to take her shopping. She wanted to make these special dumplings for dad, as he had been living in Australia, and probably had not eaten these home made Tangyuan for a long time. She enthusiastically served a big bowl to Dad. Dad discretely told me to get a small bowl and give him one Tangyuan so he had symbolically eaten her precious dumplings. I LOl with him, both of us are guilty of breaking with tradition.

These days, you can buy frozen Tangyuan all the time. They no longer symbolise what they meant.

When I went to Singapore 20 years ago, there were a lot of children's Chinese singing competition. This MAI TANGYUAN or selling Tangyuan was a very popular song. Children dress up in traditional Chinese clothes. Do click on this .

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


 Well the Christmas season is well and truly here ...
we have family staying and plan on spending Christmas day like our early Christmas last year, on the deck with lots of good food and wine, I plan on making my baked cranberry chicken (so yummy and very pretty too) and my father-in-law has arrived with lots of amazing looking vegetables from his garden including some purple carrots (can't wait to try them) .... and there will be a big bread and butter pudding made with Bourke St  prune and almond bread and a flourless chocolate cake for dessert .... I think there will be some very happy tummies ....
It will be so lovely being home this year, no packing or driving long distances ....
I like spending the holidays at home.

Thanks so much for reading this blog and all your lovely comments throughout the year ....
Hope you have a wonderful and safe Christmas 

pic via here


When I was a kid I loved seeing Santa and sitting on his lap but that's not the case for every child .....

.... nice to see he can still make some boys happy !!!
photos found here