Friday, October 28, 2011

wild onion flower

Wild Onion, the smell is pungent. Some people use them in their salads. Grow wild everywhere.

I used to dig up the bulbs of this wild onion weed. It was very difficult to get rid off and the stalk break off easily. They grow and grow profusely.

Then two things happened, I started blogging, and and was attracted to wild flowers. I found these patches very pretty. I went to a farmers' market to take photos for my blog, and found that they sell the stems. They are delicious, assures the seller.

I never looked at the wild onion patch the same way again, and I don't dig them up.
I found myself sniffing in the intense aroma, or should I say, pungent odour, of onion weed (Allium triquetrum). the masses of white, bell-like flowers actually looked very pretty lining the roadside , the masses of white, bell-like flowers actually looked very pretty

It is known also as the three-cornered leek or angled onion, some describe the smell as leek or garlic-like.

The flowers are too little for me to take a macro flower. So a little bunch from a single stalk. Aren't they pretty?

Macro Flower Saturday
Macro Flower Saturday Macro Flower Saturday ">Macro Flower Saturday

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