Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Roller Derby Sociology: Part 1 (Introduction)

As a strategy and technique coach, one of the things I look for when dissecting the game is:

When you find a pattern, commonalities, tendencies... then you can sometimes use that information to form plans and strategies in and around that information.

You can also identify patterns in your own personal life to figure out how to adjust/evolve/grow into or out of its recurring patterns. 

For example, being a very honest person was something I always thought was one of my better qualities. 

 But... that open honesty has gotten me in a lot of trouble!

And that trouble usually came in the form of pissing people off with my unguarded and unfiltered approach to conversation...

But this was confusing, in derby, because I don't remember being somebody that pissed a lot of people off before that...

It took me a long time, and a lot of heartbreak, to finally soften my honest approach; to the point where I can be genuine without being threatening.

Which I still screw up, on occasion. 

But how did this happen? How did I get to be 22 years old without angering many people, and after joining roller derby... become an anger magnet??

This is a question that would take more than one blog post to answer, but an interesting pattern I've been studying is the sociology of roller derby's skaters.

Through polls on this blog, facebook, and in person I've been asking skaters questions like:

Who did you hang out with mostly, before roller derby?
Did you play sports before roller derby?
If you did play sports, were the coaches mostly men or women?

What would you guess the answers mostly were??

And then we wonder why we sometimes have conflicting viewpoints... and don't entirely know how to talk to each other!

I'll be addressing this subject in depth in the coming month or so... but for now I invite you to share your answers to those questions. 

Whether just to yourself, or in the comments section. 

And have yourself an honestly-genuine-totally-understanding-nonthreatening-happy-epic rad day!

Here's my parting gifts to you:

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