Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Let me introduce you to the works of my little friend Kenya ....
Kenya has just celebrated her 12th birthday and recently moved back to Australia after living in the USA for the past six years .... (to say she is happy to be back in Australia is probably a bit of an understatement) .... Kenya left Sydney when she was in Kindergarten, so it's lovely for her to be back, starting a new school, making new friends and exploring her home town through her much older (and very wise) eyes !!!

When I first visited Kenya and her lovely mum Georgina in their apartment (Georgina has the always inspiring BRYDIEBROWN blog) I fell in love with the little sculpture in the first pic (before I even knew Kenya had made it) ... isn't he just adorable, I've already put my order in for one !!!
Not to mention this divine paper mache donkey, which Georgina has very cleverly mounted on the wall .....

.... and this girl even makes jewelry,
each bead on this necklace is handmade from clay then baked hard and threaded on leather string ...
Oh, and she even has her own blog .....

The divine Miss Kenya  ...
One clever twelve year old indeed !!! 

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