Monday, October 31, 2011

New55 Core Team

10X crop from a corner of a New55 negative? Very curious!
Because I write  this blog and am the voice of the project people have the impression that I am doing this alone, which would not be possible.  In addition to the work of Jack Willard, John Chervinsky and Des Fyler, we also have Ted McClelland and John Reuter of 20X24  engaged with the making and management of New55, and Tobias Feltus, located in Edinburgh.  I'm the instigator but not really the person doing much of it, or at least not all of it.  There are some well-known companies such as Ilford, who should be recognized, and Soundwave Research Laboratories, Inc, which works in ultrasound and makes various products and donates space and time to New55. Other contributors are Keitaro Yoshioka at Mass Art,  Doc Kaps and Andre Bosman of The Impossible Project, and a bunch of others who have sent in clips, well wishes, good vibes and notes of encouragement.  Since one of these categories probably includes you, now is a good time to say "thanks" and let's keep going.

Bob Crowley

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