Sunday, October 16, 2011

Solarization of New55

A lot of people have asked me about the solarization of New55. Some want it, others don't. Can we control it? Yes, and here is a good example of controlled solarization. Notice the skin values are not affected yet the entire Byron camera is apparently reversed! How is this possible?

Actually it is quite easy to control. Meter and light the exposure of the reversed area one to two stops below the lowest value of the non-solarized image. Process for 2 minutes and peel in a bright light. This is the result. All kinds of fun artistic effects can be achieved, and they are startling sometimes, as the effect appears to have delineated itself, almost like magic. Maybe it is.

For a high resolution image click here.

This is the negative side of New55 PN. The positive side, or receiver side, does not solarize.

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