Monday, October 24, 2011


This plant got me all inspired to plant some more succulents on the weekend ....
I like these little ones on the deck the best .....

and they are such low maintenance plants, which I must say I like ....

and kind of teaming with the garden theme .... 
when I was in Sydney on Wednesday I called into the Koskela pop up shop and bought a few goodies .... (thanks for the tip Georgina)
I can't remember the last time I have actually bought anything (art and magazines excluded) I've been making a conscious effort not to spend money .... but I just had to have a splurge on these goodies, I'm always a sucker for beautiful wooden brushes  .... 

and I couldn't resist these secateurs .... plus Koskela put your goodies in the most divine bags made from recycled newspapers,
always a bonus !!!

  But my favorite addition has to be this plant my daughter bought for me, isn't it lovely, and I'm sure it will be much longer lasting than cut flowers in this hot weather .....

I think summer may well and truly be here in our part of the world, not sure how I'm feeling about that !!!

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