Sunday, June 12, 2011


  It's a long weekend here .... and for about the last 24 hours we have had non-stop rain, and soooo much of it ....
luckily we got to spend some time in Sydney on Friday and Saturday before the big wet, staying at the same place we stayed at in this post (our home away from home)
I didn't have my camera so I took iphone shots instead .... 

I have been seeing a lot of this dalmatian on various walls around town, I like him ....
 I'm curious, does anyone know the artist ?

We came across this little cafe on Saturday morning and so glad we did, we had a yummy breakfast and very, very good coffee ( think I have found my new favorite cafe for when I'm in Sydney, this local girl said it is one of her favorites too) and there is a great op shop across from it as well.

Had a little browse in Pure & General, I had read about it and was curious, lots of beautiful things, but a little out of my price range, although I did buy some very attractive dish sponges (of all things).

 Strolled past one of my favorite apartment buildings in 
Darlinghurst ....

  this house painted the same shade of pink as the flowers on the
tree .....

  and this terrace (I showed you it on this post) ... the little windowsill pots were not looking as well this time.

 Bought some bread and goodies at Bourke St Bakery .....

I like their new little seats and tables ..... 

 .... and fell in love with this chair at eci et la.
... again a bit out of my price range, but I can dream can't I !!!

  We saw this film on Friday night at the MCA (a little disappointing) but the venue was great and Vivid Sydney was putting on the most amazing light show outside, my favorite was this interactive projection on the wall of the MCA  (so much fun) ... and this lighting of the Opera House sails was pretty spectacular too.

Hope you are having a nice weekend.
Think the rest of mine will be very low key now we are back home, this rain looks like it is here to stay.

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