Thursday, June 23, 2011


 I was having one of those very "shitty" days the other day, you know the kind where you are just overwhelmed by everything (even things that would not normally have that effect) ... the tears were flowing, I was letting it all out to my husband on the phone, then there was a knock at the door, it was a very, very special friend dropping off this beautiful "tussie mussie" of fresh herbs with a little card  .... totally unaware of my state, until she saw my teary face ...
It was one of those "just because" gifts that happened to come at just the right moment,
some friends are just angels in disguise.

The funny thing was as I was answering the door to my friend, cradling the phone to my ear with tears streaming down my face, my little neighbor Jack was also on his way to the door to borrow some foil for his mum .... he saw a lady delivering "flowers", saw my tears, ran home and told his mum something really bad must have happened, it all would have looked like quite the scene, my neighbor rings in a panic, I had to tell her everything was fine and to tell Jack that I was just having a bit of a "Drama Queen" moment .... which she could completely relate too (I love my neighbor) .....
Anyway ... the day ended well, my husband came home, we took the dogs for a late walk, used some of the herbs in our dinner, watched a funny show on TV and the world was looking a lot brighter ....
Oh, and Jack came back and got his foil too !!!

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