Thursday, June 9, 2011

an experiment in perspective

John Chervinsky's an experiment in perspective is guaranteed to interest anyone attuned to the power of the singular point of view presented by lens and film, all the more fascinating in its use of Type 55 on technical but whimsical subjects that challenge the eye.

John has been a great supporter of New55 and provided us with critical scanning electron microscope images of vintage materials that added to our understanding of the Diffusion Transfer Reversal technology we expect to continue to apply to imaging and elsewhere. John's website is here.

Here is a link to a pdf - but not an ordinary pdf! This one fills your screen with the images from an experiment in perspective, and you must look at it.

An aside: The images presented in an experiment in perspective are highly characteristic of certain qualities we admire in Type 55, and in some ways John's images provide a benchmark for New55.

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