Tuesday, June 28, 2011


 My daughter Meg had to make a two minute film as part of an art project about "Flight" ....
she decided on the theme of a red balloon that flies away ... loosely based on "The Red Balloon" and with the help of our lovely little friend Sophie .... they filmed at our local beach on a cloudy winter afternoon.

  Meg in her role as film maker.

 Her little actress Sophie worked like a real trooper running up and down the beach again and again  .....
(so good to work with good actress and she only wanted to be paid in lollies !!!)

The dogs managed to swindle their way into the film too.

  The final shot of the balloon slowly flying out of sight ....

 and it's a wrap .... 
now the editing begins, I can't wait to see the finished product.
Well done girls, what a great team !!!

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