Monday, June 13, 2011

Basic Protocol for Heart Disease

The following is the suggested diet for persons suffering from hypertension or some disorder of
the heart:

* On rising: Warm water with lemon juice and honey or fresh fruit juice of apple, grapes,
orange, pineapple.
* Breakfast: Fresh fruit such as apples, grapes, pears, peaches, pineapple, orange, melons,
one or two slices whole meal toast, yoghurt, skimmed milk or soy milk.
* Mid-morning: Fresh fruit juice or coconut water.
* Lunch: Combination salad of vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, endive, carrots,
cucumber, beetroot, tomato, onion and garlic. One or two slices of whole meal bread or
chapattis, curd, fresh grapes and other fruits in season.
* Mid-afternoon: One or two wholemeal biscuits and fruit juice.
* Dinner: Fresh fruit or vegetable juice or soup, two lightly cooked vegetables, one or two whole
wheat tappets.
The patient should also pay attention to other laws of nature for health building such as taking
moderate exercise, getting proper rest and sleep, adopting the right mental attitude and getting
fresh air and drinking pure water

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