Saturday, July 16, 2011


We stayed in Sydney on Friday night to see this play (it was very good) ... we stayed at our home away from home (I posted about it here a while back) I always love staying there, going to sleep to the music  of whichever band is playing in the bar below and a bit of city noise, we live in such a quite, bushy street I actually love that hit of city noise, and I always sleep so well for some reason.

So we woke late Saturday morning all refreshed and ready for some coffee and breakfast .... we walked (the sun was shining) to our new favorite cafe "Room 10", I loooove this cafe, great food and coffee, gorgeous staff, good people watching, it's just a feel good place.

 It's a teeny tiny cafe with a few seats out the front and some more inside, I took the above pic from our seat at the back so you get the feel of just how small it actually is, and that's the kitchen to your left (it's all the one space).

I love the decor, especially their hanging lights and the raw brick walls
and the ceramic number 10 which is the only signage .

I had the sandwich of ham, tomato, smashed egg, cheddar, rocket and relish ....

Meg had the granola with stewed rhubarb and banana .... 
both perfect. 
This lovely local also wrote about "Room 10" being her favorite cafe here 

 Fueled with good food and caffeine we bounced over to the Organic Market,

I loved this cute market goer  .....

.... and this little guy in his winters best.

We bought some blossoms and fresh strawberries ....

 strolled past happy people playing Garden Games (I love this concept) ... there are tables set up with all sorts of games  .... 

.... and for a small donation in the jar you can play for as long as you want.

Spotted another cute dog .....

went for a walk around the neighborhood which has some of my favorite apartment buildings .....

.... and bought the weekend papers and some magazines at the local newsagent , which has one of the best selections of magazines in Sydney (and also some very funny greeting cards)
Oh and I bought a lottery ticket too, I think I might buy one of those apartments with my winnings !!!

So a great Saturday morning was had ... coffee, food, flowers, magazines and winter sunshine, my idea of the perfect Saturday morning.

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