Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 We had a little change around of my daughters room on the weekend, starting with a move of the bed and desk (amazing what a different feel it gives the room) ....
..... then a bit of  much needed de-cluttering and book sorting.

 We framed this Twiggy poster, I found it half hanging off a telegraph pole on my weekend in Melbourne (I think it was an ad for a beautician or something) It was a bit scrunched and damaged but I kind of like that and it's a nice reminder of a fun weekend.

We hung these rails (I think they are actually tea towel rails) .... but they are great to hang clothes on ....

.... and my Scotty dog also got a new home (you may remember him lit up at the end of this post).....
I think he likes it !!!

Thanks for all the comments letting me know the poster was Twiggy, I wrongly wrote it was Edie Sedgwick  ... all fixed now !!!

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