Monday, July 11, 2011

Thursday Theme Song: Sing your way home.

Sing your way home
at the close of the day...
Sing your way home,
drive the shadows away.
Smile every mile
For wherever you roam
It will brighten your road,
It will lighten your load,
If you sing your way home.
for music
for a sweet little girl's singing

For John John and Dora, the song in Chinese. Ginny posted a on your way home. I told her that she stirred up memories of long long ago. It must have been when I was in primary school when we sang this song.

My friends from Taiwan came to stay in New Zealand for six months. Then they went home. They probably wasn't in the mood to sing this song when they were returning to Taiwan.

Here are the photos I took when I went with Lily, Dora and John John for a day trip just before they flew home. They will be missing the beautiful scenery of New Zealand.

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