Friday, July 22, 2011


These photos were taken just over a year ago on a very rainy Friday .... but they could just as well be this week, the rain has not stopped and doesn't look like stopping anytime soon, I think we are in for one very wet weekend !!!

Anyway, here's some Friday Favorites .....
 this photo, love the knit ....
via here
these stools ....
via here
... and this bathroom.
via here

 Cacti and succulents .... can't wait to plant some when the sun shines.
 via here

 These self portraits really brightened my day ....
A British wildlife photographer was shooting in Indonesia when this cheeky monkey snatched his camera and became enthralled with his reflection in the lens and started clicking away ...

read more here.

 Really liking the look of this pizza ....
via here

this relaxing space .....
via here

  .... and finally, don't you just love this mum, you can never be too careful can you !!!
via here

Hope you have a lovely weekend

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