Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I was lucky enough to make a fleeting trip to Melbourne on the weekend .... a beautiful friend of mine who has recently moved back to Sydney after spending almost twenty years living there was in desperate need of a "Melbourne fix" and asked if she could steal me away from my family to tag along, needless to say she didn't have to ask me twice !!!
 First stop was coffee and eggs at Degraves ....

   I love this cafe, super adorable staff, amazing coffee and a great spot for people watching ....

..... I could easily sit there for hours.

  Then it was time for a bit of street art browsing .... one of my all time favorite things to do in Melbourne, you may remember my last trip here and here.


 Listened to this super cute busker .....

.... then went for a stroll with a stop off at the State Library (I love this building) .... we had a look at this exhibition ....

 .... and observed some pretty die hard Harry Potter fans congregating outside which was quite amusing.
Then it was time for a little Saturday shopping ....
to be continued.

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