Monday, November 1, 2010

What to eat for meals

Healthy food is our health and Healthy Eating is
an important part of our let's be healthy ....
 What to eat for breakfast:
•    Omlet meal with sliced almonds, frozen blueberries, and ground flaxseed: You could also add some cinnamon or honey for additional flavor, in case you are not using the instant oats.
•    Scrambled tofu: Tofu is a healthier option that can be used to replace eggs for breakfast. To make your breakfast tastier and healthier, you could add green peppers, onions, vegetables, and soy sauce.

•    Low fat yogurt, with berries and granola: Plain unflavored yogurt with added frozen berries is much healthier than flavored yogurt. Adding a granola bar to this breakfast option adds some crunch to the meal.
•    Whole wheat toast with almond butter and grapefruit: Once you sprinkle a little bit of sugar over grapefruit, it becomes quite tasty and palatable. Whole wheat bread is rich in fiber, which can keep you full for a longer period of time. Almond butter is much healthier than peanut butter.
•    Fresh fruit salad: This is the most perfect breakfast option and is very easy to fix too. You can just toss all the fruits you have in a bowl and add some lemon juice for extra flavor.

What to eat for lunch :
•   You need half tin of tuna,small portions of beans and you need large baked potato In this meal you must avoid mayonnaise and butter.
•    Pasta with vegetables, cheese and ham : You need to feta cheese with low fat, vegetables and ham into small pieces.
•    Spanish omelet with potatoes and leeks: Eggs are highly nutritious and can be perfect for any meal. Leek is not only healthy but also very tasty. The best part of this dish is an option that you can add any vegetables of your choice for an omelet. 

•    Stuffed green peppers: The addition of brown rice, feta cheese and various herbs in the form of stuffing, the green or red pepper makes even a nutritious and balanced meal.
•    Low fat sandwiches with salad: This is probably one of the most common lunch options for many weight watchers. You can make tasty and filling sandwiches using whole wheat bread and fill it with healthy meats, such as turkey, tuna or chicken. Avoid using butter, especially if the filling is moist. Alternately, you could use some low fat mayonnaise in place of butter.

What to eat for dinner :

•    Grilled chicken: Take about 150 grams of chicken, preferably the breast and grill it, after adding some herbs and spices to it. You can add a large helping of mixed vegetable and a baked potato to this, to make it healthier
•    Cheese omelet: You can make an omelet, using one egg and about 50 grams of low fat cheese. Have this omelet with a garden salad or a small portion of coleslaw, to make it more filling.
•    Fish fillets: Grill about 150 grams of fish fillets, preferably cod fish, after seasoning it with some herbs, spices and lemon juice. Alternately, you could also steam the fish.
The fish can be eaten along with some wild rice or brown rice.
•    Lemon and herb lamb chops: Using lean chops of lamb meat is important to make this recipe a low cal one. Marinate the raw lamb in oregano, thyme, pepper and lemon for at least half an hour, before baking it. The chops can be eaten with carrots and broccoli.
•    Zucchini soup with tortellini: Although clear vegetable soup is excellent in case you are watching your weight, it could leave you feeling hungry a bit later. Therefore, you could turn your soup into a whole and filling meal, by adding some cheese tortellini and even spinach, to zucchini soup. 

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