Friday, November 19, 2010


This very nice looking building ....
via here
 .... and this internal brick wall I saw in a building yesterday ... I want it in my home !!!  
This cafe in Milan looks nice (I love the big communal table) see more here.
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  Love this look.
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 This amazing chair installation by Doris Salcedo ....

..... this nice little spot
 via here
... and this adorable photograph (this is for you Nancy).
 via here
 Bryan Ferry on the cover of Fantastic Man (I did judge this magazine by it's cover !!!)
 Love this jacket.
via here
The lovely Hermine and her "Words for Strangers"project.
 Gardenia's picked from the garden (my favorite fragrance) .....
 and finally ..... this would have to be my favorite TV commercial at the moment .... I love these guys !!! 
Hope you have a great weekend.

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