Sunday, November 28, 2010

Basic Food Cures

Basic Food Cures : Cabbage, Almonds and Carrots to Relieve Gastric Inflammation
 Almond milk made from blanched almonds in a blender is very beneficial for ulcers as it binds the excess of acid in the stomach and supplies high quality proteins. Raw goat's milk is also highly beneficial. It actually helps to heal peptic ulcer.
Cabbage is regarded as another useful home remedy for peptic ulcers. Cabbage is boiled in water. This water is allowed to cool and taken twice daily. The leaves of kalyana murangal tree, which is a variety of drumstick found in South India, have also proved helpful in the healing of the ulcers. The leaves of this tree are ground into a paste and taken mixed with yoghurt daily.

Raw vegetables juices, particularly carrot and cabbage juices are beneficial in the treatment of the peptic ulcers. Carrot juice may be taken either alone or in combination with spinach or beat and cucumber. The formula proportions in the case of the first combination are 300 ml of carrots and 200 ml of spinach and in case of the second combination, 300 ml of carrots and three ounces each of beets and cucumber to make half a litre of juice.

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