Wednesday, November 24, 2010


 l aways love looking at the photographs Maria from "Schorlemädchen" takes on her walks around Sydney ... (like a little guided tour) ... I think we must have the same eye for detail as I often end up taking photos of the same buildings and places.
You would presume Maria was a born Sydneysider but she actually moved here from Hamburg, Germany ....  but there is an Australian connection, Maria has an Aussie fiance and they have decided to settle in Sydney for the time being.

Amongst my favorites are her wonderful "tile shots" (I do have a weakness for great old tiles).... and quirky little bits and bobs.

Craft projects are one of Maria's loves and she produces some really cute pieces  ....
more here

.... and I have Maria to thank for introducing me to"Single Origin", my new favorite cafe, best coffee and poached eggs I have ever had (and that's a big claim coming from me)
Maria thinks Australia makes the best coffee .... and I have to agree !!!

 So if you want a lovely tour of Sydney, I can highly recommend a little blog stroll with Maria !!!

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