Monday, November 29, 2010

bloggety blog blog!

I've never "blogged" before.

It's such a weird word!!!

But.... I'm considering it. 

Cuz.... I've been in derby for a long time now (since October 2003) and I feel like I have a lot to offer. A lot of experiences, stories, history, skills, strategy... I mean, a lot of it will be irrelevant a few years from now I'm sure. But right now I feel pretty relevant. AND... I'm a Sagittarian. If you don't know what that means: I have an intense need to share.

Knowing something isn't really all that fun unless someone wants to share it with you.

I like to write and I like to share, but who likes to read? Before I go full tilt in dishing out a derby diary of epic proportions**... Is there anybody who would wanna read it?

**the use of the word epic may be an epic exaggeration in this b.l.o.g.

It's such a weird word!!!  Please go to the poll up a bit on this side to let me know if this is worthwhile?

I wanted to end this with something magical, here's what came up with:

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