Monday, November 29, 2010

So.... how'd you get into that??

Pretty much every civilian (non derby skater) you meet will ask you this if you ever mention roller derby, right?

I wish I could tell you that 7 years later I tell the story with the same zest and enthusiasm as I had the first time I ever told the tale... But the truth is, I hardly ever tell anyone.

The reason is this: the story is, to me, pretty fucking magical. But takes time to tell and we're all so busy all the time. No one has the time to hear about how the universe conspired to bring roller derby into my life and on that fateful day the skies opened up and I made a 7 year decision based on one gut feeling.

So I usually just say, "Oh, I read about it in Jane Magazine."

Or something totally lame like that, that could nevereverever do justice to the series of synchronistic, serendiptitious events that lined up one after another to make sure that I understood roller derby is meant for me.

Do you remember "Jane"? It was awesome. And don't know how I got to be in the right place at the right time for it, but check out who graced its first cover... 

Yep, Drew Fucking Barrymore.

Anyone my age (30 next week) loves Drew. You can say you don't, but you'd be lying.
ET? Donnie Darko, The Wedding Singer... We grew up with Drew and she grew up with us.

Jane magazine never made it past it's first cycle. But that was just enough time to bring roller derby into my life. With the woman who later made a movie out of it on the cover.

It's a  magical story, and I will tell you all about it. But not now, cuz this feels like a lot of words already and I know you're a busy person.  : D

I don't know how much room the "comments" box has, but if you have a magical "How derby and me found each other" story, I wanna hear it! I lovelovelove those stories.

I never get tired of them, and I have much more important things to be procrastinating from doing, so feel free to share the FULL story. : )

Have a rad day today! Here's my parting gift:

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