Sunday, May 2, 2010

TO: Ms Angiolini, Lord Advocate

Ms Angiolini, Lord Advocate,

You have consistently failed in your public duty (for which the Scottish people pay you) to use any level of decorum or good manners by replying to any emails I have sent to you since your obvious involvement in the cover-up surrounding the matter of Hollie Greig began to gain public exposure earlier this year. Given your clear and continuing involvement in this cover-up by protecting your paedophile friends, I no longer find your poor manners a surprise... although I am shocked to learn that you are a mother but still knowingly allow this type of utterly disgusting behaviour to go unchecked and, in doing so, support the continuing suffering of even more children!!! Previously, you may have been forgiven (up to a point) for not acting, claiming ignorance as you did - although we all know that was a lie, as Robert Green has already proven. Now, however, you have no excuse for remaining silent and CONTINUING to protect those named by Hollie as her abusers and the ongoing abusers of other children! SHAME ON YOU!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!

Your lawyers, who are equally too afraid to respond to my perfectly reasonable questions about the origins of their funding in your case, no longer seem to want to speak out. How odd for a law firm. One can only assume this is due to the expediential growth in public exposure that their disgraceful behaviour is generating by protecting you - via PUBLIC funds - and so are now guilty through association as it would never stand up in any 'honourable' Court in the UK that they didn't know where their payments originated from. As the old saying goes, "Like attracts like".

Ms Angiolini, you have consistently hidden behind a firm of Solicitors (
Levy & McRae) for protection rather than explaining just how wrong everyone is about your wilful ongoing involvement in this cover-up and how you are funding your own protection from public funds. There is obviously no point in continuing to contact such a disgraced, cowardly and dis-honourable person as you, who is currently bringing down the noble reputation that the office and position of The Lord Advocate previously held. Likewise, I see no reason in trying to make contact with such cowardly lawyers who HAPPILY ACCEPT PUBLIC FUNDS for a private case! In addition, the First Minister, Mr Alex Salmond, SMP, is clearly supportive of your horrendous and utterly corrupt activity by not suspending you on full-pay pending the outcome of an independent inquiry into your conduct. Further, even my own local MP, the Rt. Hon. Nick Raynsford, MP, has strangely lost his voice and is unable (or should that be unwilling) to provide 'evidence' that he is not able to raise questions in the Houses of Parliament about the corruption linked to his own colleagues. I have requested this evidence twice from him but, to date, he has failed to contact me and provide me with it. Given he is legally and constitutionally bound to do this upon my request as one of his electorate, this is very disheartening... but no longer surprising as concepts such as honour, integrity and public service no longer apply when the name Hollie Grieg is mentioned to any politicians. Therefore, in my view, his credibility is also brought in question as his silence is allowing this disgrace, corruption and flagrant breach of the democratic process to continue - he is a servant of this abuse, just like you are, like the First Minister is, like Levy & McRae Solicitors are and the rest of the corrupt organisations involved in this perversion of justice, such as the UK branch of the Downs Syndrome Society who dismissed one of their employees for nothing more than informing his fellow colleagues (internally only) of the facts about the Hollie Greig case. Mind you, I am talking about politicians, lawyers and paedophiles here, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised! Note to self: I must learn not to apply my own standards to those who are clearly not of the same thinking, standards, honour or integrity or I will always be disappointed.

Once the current election is over and the next wave of deviant, corrupt perverts settle into a new term of screwing the public, the Hollie Greig campaign will explode into the public's awareness, irrespective of the complicit media's involvement or not... and boy are they complicit at the moment. Cowards! You, your perverted MP friends and the corrupt media will no longer be hearing from me but you will most definitively be feeling the results of our campaigning to bring the truth to bear and ultimately justice served on you and your filthy paedophile friends.

As usual, this email has been C/Ced and B/C/Ced to ensure as much coverage and exposure as possible in the name of 'real' democratic justice.

Hollie Grieg is just one innocent girl. "Hollie's Army" are thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands... and we will never stop!

Ian McFerran, London - UK

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