Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fourth year: Internet

Listen and complete the text below.

Most of the world’s Internet users believe Internet ___________is a basic human right. This is according to a new ____________ conducted for the BBC. A survey of more than 27,000 adults in 26 different countries found four ____________ of five people believed access to the World Wide Web was a right everyone in the world needs and should have. The ____________ of the International Telecommunication Union, Dr. Hamadoun Toure, told the BBC World Service: "The right to communicate cannot be ____________. The Internet is the most powerful potential ____________ of enlightenment ever created." Dr. Toure believes online access should be available everywhere, ____________ like roads and water. In some countries, this has already happened. Finland and Estonia have laws ____________ access is a human right.

The survey also showed how the Internet is ____________ becoming a vital part of our life, all ____________ the world. Over 75 per cent of Japanese, Mexican and Russian people said they could not live without it. It is easy to see ____________. Almost everything we do in our life today, from communication, study, work and ____________, needs the Internet. Without access to the Web, many people would feel ____________ and powerless. Almost 80 per cent of those who took the survey believe the Web had a ____________ impact, with nearly four fifths saying they have greater freedom. Other people were worried about the ____________ of using the Internet. One big surprise was that the majority of Germans felt it was not safe for them to ____________ their opinions online.

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