Monday, May 31, 2010

"Lanced Boil" Watkins

In his blog, "I have Stolen my Credentials from Hollie" where he makes the claim, "I was the official Holly Blog, really I was!" The Lanced Boil continues his pathetic ramblings on why he should be king of Hollie's invisible empire.

After all, he is the only one that claims to support Hollie by declaring that her claims of sexual abuse were fabricated. The "Boil" is like the fat little boy, greedily looking into the candy store with only a wooden nickel in his pocket. He proclaims his plight to the numerous passers-by, who, without sympathy, tell him that fat little boys have no place in a candy store in the first place.

Finally, determined to destroy himself, the fat little boy sells his soul to the devil in exchange for all the candy he could possibly want.

When he is exposed, along with others of his kind, they demand apologies from those that exposed them for being the greedy, worthless slugs that they are. Yet, they never once think of apologizing for their own foul misdeeds or open warfare against those that once made the mistake of trusting them.

These foul creatures clamor for their pedophile allies as if it were a virtue, and against an innocent little girl with Down's Syndrome as if she were the vice.

If the pedophiles were wronged, why don't they say so? Why do they need the services of one very much disgraced,"Lanced Boil" to take up their cause? Have not the courts been opened to them for the past ten years? Could they not have sued for libel and slander if their reputations were so unjustly tarnished?

Instead, they have done everything in their power to keep Hollie and Anne Greig out of the Court system where they could have a hearing on their claims.

"Lanced Boil" Watkins cries for "evidence" remind me of the fat little boy that steals the apple pie from an open window, eats the pie, and then demands proof from his accusers that a pie actually existed.

The only one that defends a perp is another perp. The Pedophiles will only be supported by fellow Pedophiles, or "Ladies of the Night" hack journalists like "Lanced Boil" that sell their services on every street corner to the highest bidder.

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