Saturday, May 15, 2010

Call for Police Investigation by Ian McFerran: PLEASE USE THIS!

For the attention of…

Scotland Yard (Sent by Royal Mail postal service to: Metropolitan Police Service, New Scotland Yard, Broadway, London, SW1H – 0BG)

Grampian Police Force (

Portuguese Police Force (Diretor Geral: Dr. Paulo Rubens Vilela ( and
Portuguese contact details sourced from…

Today’s date:

To the best of my knowledge, it is a criminal offence in the United Kingdom to knowingly withhold evidence from the Police about a crime, whether it is a crime that has already been committed, is still in progress or has not actually been perpetrated but is still in its planning stages (or, in this case, ongoing). Given what I am about to tell you, I feel that all of these points apply to this case and, therefore, respectfully request that a full and detailed investigation begin immediately… as public safety is at stake.

It has come to my attention, via the ever growing vast Internet coverage that this case has been attracting over the last few months, that members of the Police Force at Grampian, in Scotland, along with members of the Legal system in Scotland, care-workers, family members and even the Lord Advocate of Scotland are alleged to have either knowingly withheld evidence from the Police about paedophile activity, are allegedly covering-up the facts and in doing so, allow the guilty to get away with the actual act of paedophilia, or are allegedly the perpetrators themselves.

For your information and to support this opinion, based on the evidence I have read and heard online, I have attached two Internet links below. I feel that they clearly show the case in all off its horrendous reality and clearly demonstrate that there is more to this case than meets the eye. It would appear that there has been, what amounts to, a media ‘black-out’ on this story, not to mention the fact that Governmental Officials seem to have failed to step in and act to bring about real justice for the people. Therefore, the named alleged perpetrators are still walking our streets, theoretically free to carry out more sex-crimes against children.

To be specific, I am asking you to investigate the case of Hollie Greig, who alleges that she was sexually abused over many, many years. She has given the names of the alleged abusers to Grampian Police Force. However, it would appear that they have failed to deal with her case appropriately, for whatever reason. In addition, speaking as an extremely angry, law-abiding, British Citizen, I demand that you look into the matter of the lay advisor, Mr Robert Green who was arrested on two occasions, which appears to be nothing more than an attempt to prevent him from bringing this ghastly matter the attention of the public as doing so may have dramatically affected the result of the general election in Scotland. Robert Green was standing as an ‘independent’, in the same area that most of the alleged attacks against Hollie Greig took place! Mr Green’s only aim was to raise awareness of Hollie Greig’s case but he was arrested and, on one occasion, held for 3 days in a police cell.

If Robert Green is guilty of the offence of ‘Breach of the Peace’ for wanting to hand out leaflets (but not actually doing it) but the rest of the political candidates were not arrested for the same offence when they actually handed out their leaflets, then surely this is a matter of the highest concern for the general public? Hence, my reason for making this report simultaneously to the Scotland Yard, Grampian Police Force and the Portuguese Police (as two of the named alleged paedophiles in Hollie Greig’s case are known to have fled to the same area where Madeleine McCann vanished and which is known, locally, as paedophile-city).

The Hollie Greig case has enormous implications for democracy in the United Kingdom if the lack of investigation continues. Indeed, it would be Treasonous! For the specific details, I feel sure that Robert Green, Hollie Greig and her mother, Anne Greig, would all be delighted to speak to you, if they felt it would actually do some good. I, therefore, ask that you please formally record my email and the links herein. Please email me the unique ‘Crime Number’ so that I know all appropriate steps are being taken to investigate this case and bring it to open Court, so that real Justice may prevail, as quickly as is humanly possible.

In order to safeguard my person in making this report, I will quote Article 19 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948;

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Whilst I feel that the entire Declaration applies to this case (a declaration which is still valid in the United Kingdom), I would also suggest that Articles 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 (in respect of the lay advisor, Robert Green), 10, 16(3), 21(3), 25(2), and 28 have particular consideration placed on them in this case. Naturally, I have also forwarded this correspondence to various groups and individuals following this case to ensure my own security.

I look forward to receiving the Crime Number shortly (at least from Scotland Yard and Grampian Police Force as I don’t know the procedures in Portugal) and to hearing about any up-dates you may have as your investigation progresses.

Yours faithfully,



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