Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kodak Integral Film

Not unlike the Fuji Instax film, which is apparently an improved derivation of the Kodak integral film of yore, the exposure is made through the back or negative side, and migrates toward the front masked side.  In the case of Kodak, this produced a nice, seamless image with a white border.  The typical green negative emulsion can be seen in this example, as well as the all important reagent with black mask.

The idea of making an opaque developing layer is very clever and effective, and exactly as done with Instax today.  It allows the back to be clear so no mirrors are needed to produce a normal right side up image, unlike Old Pol's through the front process. The Kodak/Fuji process also produces a much sharper image in part due to the thin layers and lower point spread.  Point spread is a function of distance so the shorter the process has to migrate the better.

Broken image of KODAK comes from rolling over the embossed lettering on a Kodak Readyload holder with a woodblock roller, not by any projected lightwaves.

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