Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hollie's Army: Please Help!

"Lancelot" Watkins, also known as the "Mad Blogger" has just published Sandra Barr's home phone number and home address in one of his lunatic rants that grow ever more irrational.

This, without a doubt, crosses any line you might draw between expressing one's opinion and creating a very dangerous situation involving one of the other lunatics that actually believes Lancelot Watkins ever changing positions.

Remember, this is the same man that called for the assassination of Politicians that embraced the EU and was reportedly arrested with mercury tipped bullets in his possession.

In other words, a total nutter that is capable of anything.

Since he has given out his phone number, we encourage Hollie's Army to use it liberally and let him know we will not be threatened or intimidated by him or anyone else.

Please Call:
01291 - 62 65 62 and demand that he remove Sandra's personal information from his blog immediately!

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