Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stuart Usher to Paul Drockton

I have had inceased pressure from my family recently with regard to my efforts to help other people. In a nutshell they feel the time has come for me to divert my efforts to support them instead. I have agreed to this as they have suffered badly over the years and I now feel the time has come for me to concentrate my efforts on them.

To this end I have issued a Statement on my Facebook.

This will have no effect on the Hollie Greig campaign other then my not doing any further broadcasts on it. I have notified both Anne and Robert Green of my resignation as Co-ordinator of SACL and my intention to take more of a back seat in the HG campaign. They quite understand my position and I have also assured them of my full continuing support for them and the HG campaign in an advisory capacity.
Robert has informed me that he will be happy to do a broadcast with you next Tuesday (ie 25th May). I hope you can find someone to take my place to-morrow, Tuesday 18th May.

My final talk on the HG case for the time being anyway will be in Fife on Saturday in the place of Brian Gerrish of the UK Column in a "Wake Up" call conference. This had been arranged quite sometime ago.

Paul you have been a star to the HG campaign and are a great power for good in the world and as such you have every reason to be proud of yourself.

Best wishes my friend


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