Sunday, May 2, 2010

Greg Lance-Watkins Exposed Before?

Originally Posted by douglas denny

Let's get it a little closer to the more likely truth, based on observation of this person and his methods and information about him obtained over some time. A slightly more balanced view from the above sycophantic piffle from Mr GLW's bottom-cleaner Mr. Warry and his tongue.

I have studied GLW's output for some years now and can confidently say GLW is undoubtedly a political agent provocateur with an agenda to damage UKIP in whatever way he can muster.

All this nonsense from Warry about him wishing to 'clean up' UKIP is blather and bluster to divert attention from his real purpose.

He has an alleged history of covert activites with MI5 in the past fishing for extreme persons by advertising in magazines. This is admittedly hearsay but has been transmitted to me via three different (separate) sources. One a high ranking Conservative. I believe it is possible.
Even if not so, he shows all the expertise of this kind of activity with his efforts over the last few years with daily outpourings of anti-UKIP propaganda and manipulation of anti-UKIP people.

I think he is undoubtedly paid, and I would put the Conservative Party as the most likely contender as to his controlling interest; not MI5 as some seem to think - though that is not without possibility as a recent newspaper article suggests MI5 activity regarding UKIP, with a question from Lord Pearson in the Lords asking directly if MI5 have at any time been investigating UKIP, and not answered satisfactorily by directly denying MI5 surveillance/ manipulation of UKIP.

GLW has groomed disaffected UKIP people for many years with telephone calls and his drooling support of their attacks. He manipulates and supports them using their anger against UKIP as the oxygen to attack UKIP.
It is classic black propaganda technique - set-up a ring of antagonistic agents against the target and coordinate their efforts. Exactly what SOE did in WW2 in France and elsewhere, and what MI5/6 and CIA try to do always and everywhere their interests lie.

His own offerings are a mixture of fact and pure fantasy with a sprinkling of what he hopes are plausible lies - but absolute lies nevertheless... and always with a view to making damaging allegations, more often than not completely unfounded - but no matter, the potential for damage is there.

He is undoubtedly the kingpin of an anti-UKIP axis of internet networked dissafected UKIPers, which include Petrina Holdsworth and all the usual suspects you often see here. The 'Junius' character is in close contact with him (if not actually the evil one himself). I could name a large list of people who are suspected or almost certainly included in this activity.

He was an intersting fellow to observe in the early days, but is the biggest bullsh1tter I have ever come across in my life, and I became bored with his rubbish rants a long time ago. It astonishes me he carries on. The pay must be good supplementing his pension from MI5.

Some years ago I enjoyed fencing with him for a long time here and through e-mails with the deliberate intention of playing him like a fish to make him ever more enraged, to make ever more exhorbitant and ridiculous statements and rants - and which he fell into my trap very nicely thank you and exposed himself as the extremist he is. I like to think my efforts have diluted his effect over time by this method of showing-up his rubbish for what it is and everyone now knowing what a fantasist he is.

He is a Walter Mitty character, who probably actually believes the rubbish he propagates (just as Tony Bliar does), as he cannot distinguish anymore between fact and fantasy as he has dealt with the fantasy for so long it comes naturally to him and both are the same in his mind.

He has directly accused me of all sorts of heinous crimes including smears of the worst kind, which is why I declare an interest in this missive and admit I cannot stand the character as I think he has no honour and deserves no respect at all as he has shown repeatedly he is an evil man: for example by publishing private information and letters of mine - obtained illegally. A gentleman does not publish other people's private letters sent to them - and certainly doesn't publish them if they are obtained illegally and when sent to someone else. That is the work of evil people like blackmailers.

Luckily, he has made his internet persona into a figure of fun as no one believes him that knows anything about politics and UKIP - he has made such ridiculous claims in the past so often. This boy has cried wolf too often to be believed.

He is actually a failure as an agent provocateur, as the clever ones keep a low profile and get the agents to do the damage whilst guiding them and giving support. In short he has blown it!

He is however an extremist with potential I think every bit as dangerous as some terrorists because of the following:

1) Having been involved with the police for possession of modified bullets. ( I believe they were mercury tipped).

2) He has given his support to the assasination of a Swedish minister by an extremist terrorist.

3) He has also suggested armed insurection against the legitimate British government.

Whoever his controllers are: (MI5? Conservatives? BNP?) they are using a dangerous rogue who could get them into trouble if the link is ever proven.
And what if there is no link to another organisation? and all these years he has been pouring out these reams of daily anti-UKIP bile and propaganda for no other reason than to please himself? (a possibility logically one must consider) .... then he must be insane, as his activity is so obsessive and focussed - and he is then more dangerous an extremist than I think.


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