Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I got very lucky last weekend at some local car boot sales ....
sometimes you can walk away empty handed and sometimes (like this time) you can find the best treasures .....  
I already showed you my little garden gnome here but that's
just the start   ....

 I found a birdcage ....

 this amazing vintage cage light, my favorite of all the finds .... 
(and it cost a whole $3.00 !!!)

 an old wooden crate ....
(perfect condition)

 this vintage copper horn ....
(bought from the most adorable little boy who had his own stall)

  a tealight lantern ....

 a lovely vintage basket ....

 this (kind of creepy) ceramic dolls heads ....

  a wire cover, which is now protecting a herb pot from our local bush turkeys .....

  and I even found these bookshelves, beautiful timber ....
(no home yet though) .....
and the best part ....
the grand total spent was $50.00
.... gotta be happy with that !!!

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