Saturday, November 19, 2011

John D. de Vries, the Speed Graphic, and the Aero Ektar

You should know about the brilliant John D. de Vries, author,  of the website called The Master Site for the Larger Camera. John has written extensively about his passion for the Speed Graphic and Aero Ektar combination, so expensively in fact, that it may take you hours to look at all the information, and even then you cannot be sure, as the navigation of John's site is patterned after the controls of the Speed Graphic, and his own unusual sense of order.

According to Mr. de Vries,  "Never before in photographic history has been written so much about one lens to so few !" and he may be right.

The fitting of maximally-apertured lenses onto large and medium format cameras and tilting them about seems to have reached beyond cult and into the new, or renewed art of real cameras producing real photographs.

If you have not visited John's site before and have even a slight interest in the Speed Graphic and Aero Ektar lenses, and the science and art of large format photography, go here, to this link, and bookmark it immediately, because you will be back again.

If for some reason you are asked for a password, follow the instructions and ask for one, as it is well worth it.

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