Thursday, November 10, 2011

skywatch Friday:Armistice Day

Today is Armistice Day: on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, when the "war to end all wars" or known as the World War One in Europe ended. 18,000 New Zealanders died.

Many New Zealand soldiers fought and died in the European soil. There is a ceremony at the Auckland Museum or the Auckland War Memorial. I was there with my sister Rose on ANZAC Day when we remembered the Australian and New Zealand soldiers.

Today is Armistice Day, with many New Zealanders pausing at 11.00am to remember those lost in the 1914-18 war.

In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month, the world rejoiced and celebrated the end of the First World War.

After four years of bitter conflict, an armistice had been signed. The 'war to end all wars', as it was ironically known at the time, was over.

November 11, 1919 was the first day set aside as Armistice Day to remember the sacrifices made during World War I in order to ensure a lasting peace.

History shows, of course, that the 'lasting peace' was only to endure until 1939, when Europe, and later the world, found itself at war again.

In ten years from today, Armistice Day will fall on a date of interest to trivia buffs as well as war historians: 11.11.11

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