Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday bridge: In west Australia


 After a lot of rainy days lately (and I mean a LOT)  it was so nice to see the sun shine for the entire weekend ....

 I had some friends over for lunch on Saturday ....
It was so nice to be able to sit on the deck instead of inside .....

  Just before everyone arrived I spotted this little gatecrasher eyeing off the bread ....

 ..... he was quite happy to pose for the camera, and stuck around for a while until my dogs spotted him and chased him away !!!
 It was such a nice afternoon, good company, good food and wine (I always forget to take more photos once everyone arrives) ..... but it was lovely, and my friend informs me she is off to New York for 2 months so that was exciting news, she's in the process of looking for accommodation, she did love this loft when I showed her (but if anyone has any tips on good places to rent let us know)

 Oh and it was nice to see the jasmine vine starting to bud .....

.... can't wait to smell it in full bloom soon !!!

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011


This beautiful photograph by Tony Amos .....

this bedroom ..... 
via here

.... and the pattern and colours on this little guy, isn't mother nature amazing !!!
via here

Really liking this space (especially the little eating nook) ....
via here

Just ordered a copy of this magazine ........ 
thanks to this lovely blogger.

 I just came across this blog, Whole Larder Love  .....
this duck and wild mushroom risotto looks amazing ....

..... think I may have to give it a try.

This book came highly recommended by Olga Bennett
  ... just ordered a copy here (very good price too),
Can't wait !!!

This looks nice .....
via here

 and I'm really liking  
these shots on The Blue Hour  .....

.... and I love this !!!
 via here

Hope you have a great weekend ....
any plans ?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Surprising Treatment for Hypertension

Watermelon is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. It was proved in recent experiments that a substance extracted from watermelon seeds has a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure. 

A side-benefit of eating watermelon is its generous supply of the phytochemical lycopene. This pigment in red and pink fruit and vegetables can deter various cancers in women and prostate problems in men. It is also helpful in avoiding the problems of aging in the health of the eyes.


Loving these hand painted faux woodgrain bike frames .... you send your frames in and Rob will custom paint them for you....
now all I need is a bike ....

 and this is a kids version ....

 ..... and this is Rob.
found via here

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 We had a little change around of my daughters room on the weekend, starting with a move of the bed and desk (amazing what a different feel it gives the room) ....
..... then a bit of  much needed de-cluttering and book sorting.

 We framed this Twiggy poster, I found it half hanging off a telegraph pole on my weekend in Melbourne (I think it was an ad for a beautician or something) It was a bit scrunched and damaged but I kind of like that and it's a nice reminder of a fun weekend.

We hung these rails (I think they are actually tea towel rails) .... but they are great to hang clothes on ....

.... and my Scotty dog also got a new home (you may remember him lit up at the end of this post).....
I think he likes it !!!

Thanks for all the comments letting me know the poster was Twiggy, I wrongly wrote it was Edie Sedgwick  ... all fixed now !!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


 I really love the feel of these photographs by Foster Huntington on his blog A Restless Transplant .....

..... Foster also recently started the The Burning House
and his own home was featured here