Sunday, August 29, 2010



Saturday was my mums birthday, she turned 63. 
She really is the most amazing woman, so beautiful and vibrant, a great mother, grandmother, wife, friend ... I feel so blessed to have her in my life.
I love these old photos of her, she is only 16 in the first one and that's me with her in the other pic.
( and she still has those great legs !!!)

My mum lives on a beautiful property about 15 minutes from my home, it's so lovely having her live nearby .... and such a nice place to visit.

 My husband has a horse he keeps there, my mum and him kind of share the looking after of her and at any moment she is about to give birth to a foal, hence the horses very fat belly in this photo ... so exciting .... I'm hoping we are lucky enough to see her give birth.
We were actually hoping the foal would be born on my mums birthday ... it would have been such a great birthday present !!!

 My beautiful mum ...
she loves all her animals, she is a bit of a Mrs Doolittle, she has kept alpacas, goats, numerous dogs, ducks and even a turkey (who would actually sit on her lap)

At the moment ( besides the horse and the soon to be foal ) she has a cattle dog .... 
a goat named Gary ....
....  lots of chickens (who lay very good eggs)

She also keeps birds, African Greys, Eclectus parrots and two huge Macaws just to name a few, they all adore her, as soon as she enters the cage they fly on her shoulder, give her kisses and talk to her, it's amazing how well some of them talk, they are such funny, intelligent, not to mention very loved birds.




It really is a wonderful place, the gardens and animals keep her very busy and besides that she also works as a carer for elderly people (who also happen to adore her) did I mention she is very, very energetic ....
quite the special lady my mum !!!

So after last weekend it was nice to have some quite time at home and spend some time with my mum, and fingers crossed, this week I hope to be showing you a photo of our new foal !!!
Hope you had a great weekend.

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